The Bro Show - Episode 26 (featuring Yours, Truly)

My new buddies Myke and Terry, hosts of The Bro Show, were kind enough to take an hour to talk with me about Evernote, my ebook and a ton of other tech stuff (about which I was mostly clueless, but offered my fuzzy opinion anyway). Despite some audio hiccups due to the weather near where I live, this turned out great and I’m really looking forward to talking with them again.

Myke and Terry are hilarious and have great chemistry, so do yourself a favor and grab this podcast (RSS or iTunes) and be sure to check out previous episodes featuring Patrick Rhone and Dave Caolo, two writers who make me look like a third grader with a head cold.

Check it out >>


  1. Websites you should visit…

    [...]below you’ll find the link to some sites that we think you should visit[...]……