A few days ago, my two buddies Patrick and Dave were doing this little Twitter thing where they took pictures of what was in their pockets, and I decided to play along. In case it isn’t obvious looking at the photo above, I don’t carry a wallet; I haven’t for several years now, in fact. This is due to my wanting to reduce my walking weight a little and, I think more markedly, due to the iPhone.
When I carried a wallet, it was usually brimming over with old receipts, business cards, outdated photos of my wife and children, various identification cards that I hadn’t needed to produce since acquiring them and assorted other useless crap. Now, it all lives in the computer that I carry with me (mostly in Evernote, naturally). I know is passe to talk about how the advent of modern smart phones has helped us commoners carry less when we walk around, but I’m curious if any of you have an interesting “after I got my iPhone/Droid Whatever/Blackberry, I stopped carrying ________” kind of story.
Oh, and as I mentioned in the original posting of this photo, my keyring holds a LaCie USB thumb drive that I almost never use because of Dropbox and its iPhone client.
How about you?
N.B. - I’ve been using a Field Notes notebook instead of my trusty Levenger Shirt Pocket Briefcase for the last week or so and I’m loving the crap out of it. Frankly, it’s borderline embarrassing how much I dorkswoon over quality paper products.
their network and it spreads like wildfire.can…
you say “viral?”credibility, good or bad, can become viral. chances are, you trust the people you continue to learn from. my guess is you also never forget the ones that took your money and provided nothing in return. right?we all need…