Slowly and Deliberately.

Almost nothing happens as quickly as we wish it would. How many times have you repeatedly clicked the “Get Mail” icon in your mail client in anticipation of a message that was sent 5 seconds ago? Are you annoyed when you realize that, even if shipped Next-Day-Air, your package won’t arrive for three days because you’re ordering on a Friday? Ever beeped your horn because the driver in the car ahead of yours took longer than a nanosecond to realize the light had turned green? Me too.Do less — and do it better.

Estimate how long you think something will take. Then double it and schedule your time accordingly.

Think about the flowers you’re not smelling and the sunsets that you’re not quietly enjoying.

Consider which tasks on your list will result in real, actual tragedy if left incomplete for awhile.

Now consider the opportunity cost incurred by spending time on stupid shit that doesn’t mean anything.

How much time do you spend convincing yourself that the big, scary item on your task list is actually worth doing?

When was the last time you took a sick day from work and learned about something that interests you?

When will it be done?

What are you actually working for?

Live deliberately. Proceed slowly and constantly calculate the value of your toiling and laboring. Mercilessly excise and discard that which doesn’t really, truly matter.


Photo by InAweOfGod’sCreation


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