Update: Evernote Essentials is Here! Go check it out!
I’m extremely excited to announce that, coming up next week, my first ebook, Evernote Essentials will finally be available for sale after several months of work. Having spent a great deal of quality time with the product, I have an excellent handle on how to use it and use it well. This book encompasses all of my knowledge of Evernote and will be a gigantic time-saver for those who want to learn how to use Evernote effectively.
It also just so happens that the launch of the book will coincide directly with the launch of my new blog, Bridging the Nerd Gap (which is where you’re reading this now - might as well subscribe to the RSS feed while you’re thinking about it). Like it says on the tin, this blog is going to explore the intersection of technology, tools and effectiveness; this is a site whose main goal is figuring out ways to work faster and more effectively using (mostly) computers and other digital tools - but don’t be surprised if notebooks pop up every now and again. I’ll be interviewing a ton of smart people about the tools they use and offering plenty of tips from my years of tapping away at keyboards. It’ll be fun, trust me.
I’m really stoked about both of these projects and can’t wait to share them with you. If this stuff sounds interesting to you, I invite you to visit the site and sign up for the mailing list (look on the right hand side of any page). Not only will that get you all of the latest content I post, but you’ll also get extra newsletter-only content and a few other surprises I’ve got cooking. I’ll also be sending out an announcement when Evernote Essentials is on the shelf, so sign up now!
Thanks for reading and stay tuned next week - Evernote Essentials is coming and, if I may say, it’s pretty good :)
Congrats Brett! Thanks for letting me read drafts. Your “missing manual” helped me get a lot more out of Evernote, so I’m sure it’ll benefit others a ton too.
Thanks Greg! I’m glad you found it useful - hope others will, too :)
Hi Brett. Sounds good, but Evernote changes so quickly? Will updates to the ebook be available?
I’m still working out the particulars of this, but it’s safe to say that all
purchases will include free updates for at least 6 months.